What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is defined as the energy that are generated from natural resources that can continually be replenished. To generate this type of energy, renewable energy technologies are used to become renewable energy sources. Various types of renewable energy technologies are: Geothermal energy Bioenergy Solar energy Hybrid Hydropower Wind energy Ocean energy While many of…

How Solar Photovoltaic System Work

Solar energy’s popularity is consistently growing every year, along with the growth of different solar technologies such as Solar Thermal Systems and Solar Photovoltaic System, which is considered to be as one of the most popular. Solar Photovoltaic System – The Most Proven Technology Solar Photovoltaic System or solar PV or also called as solar cells, directly…

Why Solar?

A lot of people around the world are convinced that solar energy is one of the best solutions to our current challenges in energy as well as in climate change. There may be various of reasons for different people why they go solar, but it all comes down to few reasons such as: Lowers-down electricity…

Introduction to Solar Energy

Most countries around the world use electricity that are generated from fossil fuel – fossil fuel which are either natural gas, coal, or oil. But with the rise of environmental concerns, plus the fact that energy generated from these traditional energy sources may soon run out, making it significantly expensive, many people from around the…